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This year we’ve had the good fortune to have extended the summer by a month, but all good things come to an end. That’s why it’s time to pack up all the furniture and tools you’ve used over the summer until next year.

It is the perfect time to buy a shed, wardrobe or chest according to your needs so that you can store everything perfectly protected. Here are a few tips for you. Take note!

How to store outdoor furniture?

It is very important to store them perfectly so that you can enjoy them again the following year. For this reason, you must take into account the material they are made of:

  • Raffia or wood are materials susceptible to humidity, rain or temperature changes. We recommend that you store them covered with a polyester tarpaulin in a closed and dry place.
  • Synthetics are more resistant than those mentioned above and lighter. In this case we advise you to store them in a closed and dry place, but if you don’t have one you can protect them with a waterproof canvas and place some weight on top of them.
  • Steel, aluminium or resin are furniture that can rust easily, so it will be necessary to protect them perfectly and store them in a shed.

Before collecting everything it is important to clean it and fix any damage it may have. That way next summer you will have them ready to enjoy them.

garden furniture

Outdoor elements

In addition to furniture, it is very common to have barbecues, swimming pools or inflatable mattresses, etc. In the case of the barbecue, clean it thoroughly and cover it with a protective cover. If it is possible to move it, it is advisable to store it in an enclosed place with ventilation.

For the pool or inflatable mattress, in addition to cleaning it, we recommend that you fold it and remove all the air. In addition, to prevent the plastic from sticking you can apply talcum powder.

swimming pool

Other objects and accessories

You probably also have decorative objects in your garden such as cushions, blankets, lamps, figurines, etc. Fragile items should be collected wrapped in bubble wrap, newspapers or in their original packaging if you keep them.

Textile objects should be washed and if possible you can relocate them inside the home. If you want to store them, we advise you to do so in a box that breathes, so plastic is not a good option.

At Hoggar we always recommend that all garden material is stored in a shed, cupboard or chest, as this is the option that ensures that it does not deteriorate and that we can use it year after year.

We hope these tips will help you to conserve all your garden furniture and elements. Also, if you are thinking of buying a shed, cupboard or chest for your garden, don’t miss our collecion.