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The end of summer is just around the corner and therefore it’s time to put away all those things we’ve used during the summer season. But before packing up we must make sure that our shed is in perfect condition to face the harsh winter, otherwise we might need to replace it before its time.

That’s why we want to give you a couple of tips that will help you prolong the life of your shed for up to 5 more years. Take note!

  • Keep critical areas clean

Regular cleaning is essential and you should pay particular attention to certain areas such as the perimeter of the roof, drains, sliding door rails or hinges depending on your model. It is important to keep the roof area clean; tree branches or leaves can fall and clog drains and cause leaks in the shed. Also, if you have sliding doors, we recommend that you check that the rails are perfectly clean. If you have hinged doors, don’t forget to lubricate them at least twice a year.

It is also important to thoroughly clean all the windows of your kennel, if you have them, as mould can form between the window and the sheet metal, causing premature deterioration of your kennel.

With the help of a soft, damp cloth, you can polish both the sheet metal and the most problematic areas. We do not recommend using abrasive solutions or detergents on the product, as this could damage the sheet metal. This means leaving the metal exposed to atmospheric effects and therefore to corrosion.


  • Check the screws and anchoring points.

The screws and bolts of the shed must not be neglected, so it is important to carry out regular checks to ensure that they are all perfectly tightened.

Pay attention to checking the ground anchorages, as they are essential to keep your shed fixed to the ground and that it does not move despite being exposed to adverse weather conditions.

Keep the manual, because inside you will be able to consult all the advice we give you whenever you need it.

If you have come this far, you have seen that your metal shed does not require a lot of maintenance and that the steps to extend its useful life are really simple. Now we just have to put them into practice. Let’s go!