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How many times have you stopped to think about the future you will leave to your children? I’m sure you often wonder what the world will be like in a few years if we continue without making changes in our lifestyle.

We always strive to give the best to our loved ones and at Hoggar we want to show that doing our bit to achieve a more sustainable world is easier than it seems. Simply by changing a habit or practice we can achieve results with a great impact. We are in this together!

Repair, Reuse, Recycle, the time is now.



At Hoggar we have decided to join the cause by avoiding the use of single-use plastics in the construction of our garden sheds, so we are committed to products made from sustainable and repairable materials.

Did you know that the wood used in our garden sheds is FSC certified and comes from sustainable forest management?



Our cabins are designed to be very durable products, they have up to 15 years warranty! And we will have spare parts available for longer than the legally stipulated period. A further contribution to the sustainable value chain.



On the other hand, at Hoggar we choose to ship products in flat boxes, optimising transport. In this way, we save on fuel and contribute to lower emissions. And for this reason, we need your help to assemble your products once you receive them at home.

The desire of the entire Hoggar team is that the product we are going to put in your hands contributes to the well-being and sustainability of our planet. Help us to achieve this by buying products that contribute to the environment.

Now that you know a little more about us and our contribution, we want to read you and learn about your ideas and habits to leave a better world to our new generations.

Write to us here; , we will be pleased to hear from you.



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